How to install Veil-Framework?

Software Requirements:
The following OSs are officially supported:

Debian 8+
Kali Linux Rolling 2018.1+
The following OSs are likely able to run Veil:

Arch Linux
Manjaro Linux
BlackArch Linux
Deepin 15+
Fedora 22+
Linux Mint
Parrot Security
Ubuntu 15.10+
Void Linux

Kali's Quick Install
$apt -y install veil
$/usr/share/veil/config/ --force --silent

Git's Quick Install

Installation must be done with superuser privileges. If you are not using the root account (as default with Kali Linux), prepend commands with sudo or change to the root user before beginning.
Your package manager may be different to apt. You will also need an X server running, either on the system itself, or on your local system.

$sudo apt-get -y install git
$git clone
$cd Veil/
$./config/ --force --silent
$./config/ // Setup Files

This file is responsible for installing all the dependences of Veil. This includes all the WINE environment, for the Windows side of things. It will install all the necessary Linux packages and GoLang, as well as Python, Ruby and AutoIT for Windows. In addition, it will also run ./config/ for your environment.

It includes two optional flags, --force and --silent:

--force ~ If something goes wrong, this will overwrite detecting any previous installs. Useful when there is a setup package update.
--silent ~ This will perform an unattende
