System Hacking

First we have to gather information about the target, information like the Operating System used, wheather our target has any vulnerable outdated technologies running on his system
If we find something like this i mean if we find a vulnerability in our target's system then the next step will be to exploit it. There are several ways to exploit a system however it depends on the type of Vulnerability you have discovered. After finding a Vulnerability you must do a little research about the particular Vulnerability and try to exploit it. 

Steps to Hacking into a system
1. Information Gathering
2. Finding that the system has some  Vulnerabilities  on the basis of Information we gathered wheather
3. Researching about the Vulnerability
4. Exploiting the Vulnerability 

What Is Vulnerability?

Vulnerabilities are flaws in a computer system that weaken the overall security of the device/system. Vulnerabilities can be weaknesses in either the hardware itself, or the software that runs on the hardware. Vulnerabilities can be exploited by a threat actor, such as an attacker, to cross privilege boundaries (i.e. perform unauthorized actions) within a computer system. To exploit a vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool or technique that can connect to a system weakness. 

What is a Computer Exploit?
 A computer exploit, or exploit, is an attack on a computer system, especially
one that takes advantage of a particular vulnerability the system offers to
intruders. You can exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to target system.
